Persecution for anti-war views

Русская версия

Data is updated monthly.

On this page you will find current and regularly updated information about anti-war repressions of the Russian state. There are more than 950 defendants in criminal cases and almost 9 thousand administrative cases — read more about this below.

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defendants in anti-war cases since 24 February 2022 till  20 June 2024


new defendants since 24 February 2024 till 20 June 2024


Number of defendants in anti-war cases by year

As of June 20, 2024, we are aware of 962 defendants in anti-war criminal cases. Some people have more than one case, and they may have been filed in different years, so the number on the graph is higher than the total number of defendants.

You can support those involved in criminal anti-war cases and write them a letter. Details of the cases, a list of names and addresses can be found here.


cases under Article 20.3.3 (*according to Mediazona) from 24 February 2022 till 20 June 2024


cases under Article 20.3.3 (*according to Mediazona) from 1 January 2024 till 20 June 2024

Number of cases under Article 20.3.3 of the CAO in Russia and in the annexed Republic of Crimea since March 2022

Number of detentions for anti-war views by year

Extrajudicial persecution for anti-war views


cases  cases under Article 20.3.3 (*according to Mediazona) from 24 February 2022 till 20 June 2024


cases of extrajudicial pressure since 24 February 2024

Types of pressure on journalists, media and bloggers